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Visit Chemeketa

Your community college's doors are wide open.

Chemeketa Locations

Navigating the Salem Campus

There are three entry points to our Salem Campus –

  • The main entrance off of Lancaster Drive is marked by a large electronic sign
  • The entry to our Winema events center and high school programs is also off of Lancaster and marked by a sign that says Winema
  • An entrance on the east side of campus is off of 45th Avenue

Our color-coded parking lots are the key for visitors to get to the right place. Find out what color lot you should park in from your college contact or from the information phone line 503.399.5000. Review our to get oriented.

Salem Campus Visitor Parking Permits

Visitor permits are available at the information booth just past the first intersection after you go through our main entrance. Visitor permits must be placed on the dash of a vehicle date side up so they are visible and legible.

Take a Campus Tour

A picture might be worth a 1,000 words, but it can’t tell you what the campus environment is really like. We invite you to come and see for yourself.

Campus tours last less than an hour and are led by Chemeketa student leaders. We encourage you to wear comfortable walking shoes and clothing appropriate for the ever-changing Oregon weather. Learn more about tour times and dates.

Rent Our Facilities

Many of our facilities are excellent venues for your event or meeting.