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Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) in Leadership & Management

Earn your Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) in Leadership and Management and prepare for management positions in your chosen field.

topics Business Management

Skills & InterestLeadership

CareersBusiness & Management

  • A student poses for the camera in front of a busy study area

Why choose a Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) degree in Leadership & Management?

Chemeketa's new Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) in Leadership and Management will prepare you for a variety of industries as a leader in organizations small and large.

Click here to learn more about Chemeketa's Bachelor of Applied Science in Leadership and Management pathway to Western Oregon's Masters in Organizational Leadership 

What will you learn?

Completing your BAS degree opens up even more doors for your career.  This degree offers training in strategic planning, mission fulfillment, team-building and leadership, marketing, research and interpreting financial and business reports.

The BAS in Leadership and Management  prepares you for employment in local, state, or federal government agencies, or in the private sector in a variety of settings ranging from health care to manufacturing and other enterprises.

What will you do?

Completing the Leadership and Management classes will enable you to be a leader in many careers. Positions in management range from entry-level jobs such as manager trainees or assistant-manager positions all the way to top-level management, such as vice president of operations in public or private sectors with businesses or non-profit organizations.

Some careers in management may include –

  • General or Operations Manager: Middle level to top management responsible for overall business operations of small to large organizations in one location or large geographical areas
  • Functional Manager: Middle to top management in larger organizations responsible for certain units or departments within an organization (ex. managers of human resources, finance and marketing departments)
  • Sales Manager: Middle to top management level in small to large organizations responsible for the revenue generating operations of an organization in one location or large geographical areas
  • Procurement Management: Entry level to top management responsible for activities of the purchasing department of an organization (ex. procurement clerks, purchasing agents and purchasing managers)
  • How to Apply

    The BAS in Leadership and Management is a cohort program that admits students each fall.  To qualify students must have completed an Associate of Applied Science from any accredited college (or an Associate of General Studies with significant credits on transcript from technical coursework.) 

     Please read this key information before deciding to apply.  

    We will accept students with a minimum of three years of employment showing increasing levels of responsibility.  

    • This requirement is essential as this program is designed for working adults and the experience from work greatly enhances the classroom experience for all students.  

    We recommend students have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher to ensure they are ready for the rigor of Bachelor level coursework.  

    • Students will meet once a week to discuss content but will also be responsible for managing significant work online including pre-class reading/learning and homework assignments that will include written assignments, presentations and other learning assessments.  

    To prepare your application you will need to do the following:

    • Determine if you would prefer to attend face to face or via Zoom:
      • The face to face class will occur on the Salem campus on Tuesdays 6-9 pm the first 3 terms.  Summer session will be Tuesdays 6-9 via zoom.  The second year will move to Thursday nights on Salem campus 6-9 pm.  
      • The zoom class will meet via zoom on Wednesdays 6-9 the first four terms.  The second year the meeting time will be Thursdays 6-9 pm.  
      • Weekly attendance is essential to student success so while we understand there will be occasional absences, attendance in the weekly meetings is a key component of student grades in either modality.  
      • Students will be enrolled in two classes at a time with homework from both classes being due regularly.  This means students will need to have regular access to Canvas and an ability to complete homework in a timely manner .
    • Complete a cover letter that outlines for us your compatibility for the program:
      • Significant growth at work helps students bring that experience into classroom discussions to deepen the learning of the entire class.  We also are aware that doesn’t always reflect in a job title.  Please describe in this letter ways you have responsibilities at work. 
      • This program is a significant commitment.  Please tell us in a few sentences why you are willing to make this time commitment and how you hope it will contribute to your career goals.    
    • A brief one page resume that outlines relevant work history including current employment. Include dates of employment, job title, employer and a brief description.  Please limit to one page.  
    • An unofficial transcript showing an AAS or AGS with the presence of technical coursework.  


    Once you have those documents ready follow this link: 

    You will complete a brief form including selecting if you would like to attend face to face or via zoom and upload the cover letter, resume and unofficial transcript.  


    Once you have submitted those your application will be reviewed and you will be notified of status within three weeks. 



  • Information for Employers

    Who will fill your shoes?

    Succession planning in any organization is both key to long-term success and challenging. Many organizations have great people who can become part of the succession plan with just a bit more investment.

    Invest in your employees

    When you look at your team you will quickly know that person who is always ready for any challenge. Sending them to Chemeketa's Bachelor’s of Applied Science program in Leadership and Management will show them your willingness to invest in their future with your organization.

    Real time returns on investment

    Classes in this program will return immediate results as your employee learns about their strengths and increases their capacity in strategic planning, effective communication, and critical thinking. Using their real-life experience, your employee will return from each class with ideas and energy.

    Designed for working adults

    We know how valuable employees are and how precious their time is. This program will meet one evening a week for seven terms. Students will complete additional work online so we can use the face-to-face time for engaged conversation and active learning. After a long day at work the last thing your employee wants is to sit and listen to a 3-hour lecture. Be assured they will find the class time engaging and the online work meaningful.

    How can I support my employee as a BAS student?

    • Hand pick your “go to" employee to apply for the program
    • Provide work release to attend class and complete homework
    • Use tuition reimbursement to invest in your employee
    • Provide leadership experiences that allow your employee to learn on the job
    • Engage your employee’s learning by having them share during team meetings
  • Information for Students

    Prepare for the job that doesn't even exist yet

    We live in a rapidly changing world and everyday jobs are created that no one planned for. The BAS in Leadership and Management provides thinking, planning and communication skills that will adapt to any new challenge or opportunity and allow you to stand out as the prepared leader.

    Break through the paper ceiling

    If you are the "go to" person at your job now but can't take that promotion because you don't have the right degree this program will help you break through that paper ceiling. This program enhances your existing skills with knowledge and skills that will clearly demonstrate you are ready for the next level.

    You will learn to:

    • Think like a leader
    • Act like a leader
    • Create opportunities for leadership

    Program details

    Admission to this program begins late spring with classes starting in September in Fall Term. This program runs 7 terms and meets one evening a week with students completing work for each class online as well. The classes are mapped out to allow students to build on current experience and classroom learning. Each course will contribute to a personal portfolio, preparing students to demonstrate increased readiness to employers. The second year will include the flexible 15 credits which allows students to combine credit for prior learning with work-based leadership projects to enhance that personal portfolio.

    Admission requirements:

    1. Earned Associates of Applied Science with GPA of 2.5 or higher.
    2. Access to reliable internet and ability to complete work on college LMS.
    3. Ability to attend class one evening a week for seven terms. 
    4. Work experience in field demonstrating increasing responsibility.